The Journal

Scuola Democratica is an interdisciplinary scientific journal exploring the connections between education, learning, training, and work.

The Association

The Association "Per Scuola Democratica" supports the Journal and promotes public and academic debate on education and learning.

Voices on Education

Voices on Education delve into the Journal's topics, fostering debate and dialogue among experts, school leaders, teachers, and policymakers.

The Conferences

The International Conferences bring together experts from around the world for an interdisciplinary discussion on education.

News and events

News and announcements for the readers of Scuola democratica

The Journal

learning | school | higher education | training | work

Scuola democratica. Learning for democracy (SD) is a leading Italian academic journal dedicated to education and learning, mainly published in English and Italian.

Supported by a prestigious scientific network and published by Il Mulino, the journal provides a quarterly platform—available in both print and digital formats—for interdisciplinary research and debate.

Scuola democratica engages scholars, professionals, administrators, school leaders, teachers, and policymakers in discussions on key issues related to schools, universities, and vocational training, integrating perspectives from sociology, pedagogy, psychology, economics, and anthropology. 

Scuola democratica is indexed in JournalSeek, the Italian Periodicals Catalog (ACNP), Google Scholar, Primo Central (Ex Libris), and EDS (EBSCO). It is classified as an ANVUR “A” category journal in the following scientific-disciplinary areas: 11 D1 (Pedagogy and History of Pedagogy), 11 D2 (Didactics, Special Pedagogy, and Educational Research), 14 C1 (General, Legal, and Political Sociology), 14 C2 (Sociology of Cultural and Communication Processes), and 14 D1 (Sociology of Economic, Labor, Environmental, and Territorial Processes). 

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The Association
"Per Scuola Democratica"

The Association “Per Scuola Democratica” aims to support the journal Scuola democratica. Learning for democracy and, in doing so, to enrich the scientific and cultural debate on schools, universities, training, work, and lifelong learning at local, national, and international levels. Over the years, the Association “Per Scuola Democratica” has also promoted the publication of open access research volumes.

Ten major institutions and organizations are members of the Association “Per Scuola Democratica”.

Voices on Education

Voices on Education provides a space for research, reflection, and debate on education and learning.

The section focuses on developments in schools, universities, training, and work, aiming to offer teachers, researchers, administrators, educators, and professionals a dynamic forum for discussion and exchange, open to new and stimulating contributions and interventions.

International Conferences

First International Conference of the journal Scuola democratica

Education and post-democracy

The First International Conference of the journal Scuola democratica, hosted by the University of Cagliari from June 5 to 8, 2019, brought together researchers, policymakers, and educators from around the world to address the challenges of education in the era of post-democracy.

In a context marked by the rise of new authoritarianisms, populisms, racisms, and nationalisms, the conference explored how education can counter these trends and promote an inclusive democratic culture.

Participants tackled crucial topics such as the impact of neoliberalism on education policies, the spread of technocratic governance systems, and the cultural and economic inequalities that threaten equitable access to education.

keynote speakers

Second International Conference of the journal Scuola democratica

Reinventing education

The Second Edition of the International Conference of the journal Scuola democratica was dedicated to the needs and perspectives of “reinventing” education.

The challenges posed by the contemporary world have long demanded a rethinking of educational concepts, policies, and practices. Questions about education “for what” (for what), “how” (how), and “for whom” (for whom) have become unavoidable, yet they have largely remained elusive due to a persistent attachment to ideas and routines from the past, which are now far removed from the radical transformations that educational systems require.

The Conference therefore placed at its core scenarios, reflections, and practices that foster opportunities for change and the reinvention of the educational field, understood as a driver of broader and global transformations.

keynote speakers

Third International Conference of the journal Scuola democratica

Education and/for social justice

The Third Edition of the International Conference of the journal Scuola democratica was dedicated to the issue of education and/for social justice.

The theme of social justice is crucial today. This is evident in the economic instability spreading from one country to another, wars and the resulting energy crises, the climate emergency and the need for a new economic policy oriented towards a sustainable ecological model, migrations and nationalist protectionist reactions, protests by women and young people in many parts of the world, and many other pressing challenges.

Educational processes—in their broadest sense, encompassing schools, universities, and training, addressing both young people and adults—are not separate from these challenges. Poverty and educational inequalities have always been both a cause and a consequence of social, cultural, and territorial disparities. In this sense, the Conference fostered a collective reflection on the goals, stakes, obstacles, and future perspectives of education.

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keynote speakers